
The Mystery of rapper Detsl death

Hi, thrill-lovers! Sup yall. My application 's approved, I'll be performing at this FESTIVAL, April, 24-27 even presenting 2 topics The Standup Philosophy & figurative tools and skills that create Magic (Location: Saint-Peterburg, Russia). 1st topic.  The Mystery of rapper Detsl death ( *aka Kiril Tolmatsky and Le Truk) is one of the intellectuals, high brow, socially conscious, charitable, good-hearted hip hop personalities among the Russian Hip hop culture who had been making music in English as well & definitely is a pioneer of Russian hip hop *). The Coincidences in life, and signs of the Universe.  Public announcement of his death  and contradictions found in lyrics in that regard. Detsl Songs and Instagram photos posted months before his death.  Russian rapper Detsl has died. The rapper, whose debut album Who Are You? in 2000 remains one of the best-selling hip-hop albums in Russia, is thought to have suffered cardiac arrest minutes after coming off stage

FACES' 2019 (The TOPIC 4 this year is "MYSTERY")

Dear friends! Мы приглашаем вас принять активное участие в Одиннадцатом Студенческом Фестивале Английского языка "FACES 2019"   Отдел презентаций ждет всех любителей public speaking:) My application's approved, I'll be perfoming at this FESTIVAL, April, 24-27 even with 2 topics! (Location: Saint-Peterburg, Russia). 1st. The Mystery of rapper Detsl death ( *aka Kiril Tolmatsky and Le Truk) is one of the intellectual, high brow, socially conscious, charitable, good-hearted hip hop personalities among the Russian Hip hop culture who had been making music in English as well & definitely is a pioneer of Russian hip hop *). The Coincedences in life, and signs of the Universe.  2nd. Standup Philosophy, The emotional labor of stand-up comedy or smth else relating to Standup art).  The TOPIC of this 2019' FESTIVAL is - "MYSTERY"   Pre-defined list of the possible topics of their presentations: - History: myths, legends, secrets - Traditions: r

Description to my latest Russian Comedy gig in English

This Standup was hosted by the Awsomest MC, Standup Comedian Misha (Michael) Peganov, who started doing Standup gigs in America since 2017-2018. Here’s the overview of my latest  Russian Comedy gig in English. (this is in Russian). All the stories are of my originals (Alisa Amerigo). 1st joke . is about the Man who mistook James LeBron game for the bubble game of LeBaron French Cavalier Wine, dont ask how did that, its Comedy and Life, specially if a man is deadly drunk. If you enjoy Sports and Basketball you’ll love this story. In this joke I mock mainly the Alcohol abuse/dependency, and indifference to Sports. Add caption 2nd: is about the woman who vowed to avenge her husband, by nourishing her Man with unvaried food. Salads, cupcakes, cakes, and whatever she cooked were only made with one ingredient a turnip, unpalatable, disgusting flavor I’d say, so all of her meals came with a taste of sour cabbage or sweat socks, daily, you kn